Friday, November 22, 2013

Part 3: Interview with the Average (Black American) Joe

Interview with the average (Black American) Joe is a presentation of questions and answers put to and answered through a characterization of an average American black man in today’s society. Joe may not be real but the feelings and thoughts of the character express the reality of most black American men striving towards making a better way of life for themselves and their families. These questions were presented in relation to social, political and personal viewpoints from Joe.

Topic: 20012 Republican Presidential Candidates
Interviewer: What were your thoughts on the Herman Cain  Presidential Campaign for the Republican Party?

Joe: I'm not surprised one bit I mean this fool tried to paint himself as the black captain America for the Republican Party. He agreed to be there court jester. I don't know what he did or didn't do as far as these allocations of cheating go but he damn sure knew about it. Look at it this way if he did nothing wrong then why didn't he take it to the judicial system he professes to love so much? Surely justice could have been served in a civil court and he would have had his day to speak. The other thing I've noticed is that his wife sure did not jump to his defense so what's up with that? Maybe she is far too familiar with this road and Mr. Cain convinced her to subscribe to the D.L. Hughley “theory shhh…. For love”.  He made that dumb ass commercial and put on that snide ass smile at the end. He just stereotyped himself to be one jive ass slick mo-fo. Massa let him come down off the porch and he got to stomping around in front of company. The next thing you know he got pimped slapped upside the head and the first thing he wants to do is yell racism. This is the same guy that proclaims it really isn't that bad for black people in America. Have you ever seen the movie soldier story? When the drill sergeant is explaining why he killed the black private. It was because he was embarrassing to him as a black man. His behavior disgusted him because of all that he and others had fought for to get respect from his white superior officers. He saw the soldier as a clown dancing and performing for the white man. So he did the only thing he could to stop him from setting them back 20 or thirty years. He killed him.
Herman Cain presented himself as Uncle Remus (or for those to young to remember the grandfather in boondocks) and by doing so he killed his own political campaign. He lobbed it up there and hit it right out of the park.
The Republican Party in large only sees blacks as pawns for their entertainment.
They used "Michael Steele"   by voting him as the Republican Party leader after President Obama was elected (clearly a see we got one too move).
 He quickly found out just where blacks fit in the GOP; when they discovered he actually had some ideas to improve the face of the party they said oh no this so and so has got to go! They just wanted him to perform as being their poster boy not a Black man with a plan. The black conservative male acts as though they have had their brain removed and reprogrammed with a stupid chip.
They make money off dismissing their own people, their parasites.

They are on cable news shows talking about how great Ronald Reagan was and how we should be thankful that we are “allowed” the rights to live in such a great country. (Simulating hand jerking motion)
So to Herman Cain and the rest of you nomads if the Republican Party sacrifices your ass for their own better good don't blame them blame yourselves.

Look for more interviews with the average (Black American) Joe coming soon.

 Interviewer: Unknown

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